星期五, 二月 09, 2007


The Doge Leonardo Loredan (Giovanni Bellini, oil, probably with egg tempera, on poplar, 62cm X 45cm, about 1501-4) National Gallery, London.

Doge 指的是威尼斯共和国元首. 此画作于Leonardo Loredan刚当选元首之时,是一幅标准的官方正装肖像画.礼服和礼帽的精致质地让人叹为观止.

除了服装的处理以外,面部光线传神地表达了画中人的地位与气质. 他面向阳光,右脸一片光明左脸略带阴影. 这种处理手法造成的效果是: 如果你掩盖他的左脸,你能看到一个坚毅的行政长官,而只看右脸他却象一位慈祥的老者. 不易的是从总体看来, 他的面部表情自然而无半点人工雕凿的迹象.
注: 此画来自Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Bellini

2 条评论:

Pacific+Atlantic 说...

hehe... i did try to cover half of his face to see how it looks with only the other half :) it is a very elegant paiting.

狒狒 说...

Haha, Haiying, I guess we were doing the same thing at the same time just now - looking at his face half at a time. Very interesting results. It's just like what Fei said in his article. :)