星期二, 二月 13, 2007


A View of Deventer seen from the North-West, Salomon van Ruysdael (oil on oak, 52cm X 76cm, 1657) National Gallery, London.

今天换换口味. 来个有国画意境的西洋画. 这是荷兰一条內河在Deventer的一段. 大半画面被浓云笼罩, 几只鸟儿在云边飞翔. 天空下远处是城市. 宽阔的河面上有几艘游艇和两条小鱼船. 渔民们悠闲地等待着鱼儿入网. 不知道借着劲风驶来的游艇会不会惊扰他们.
画中几条游艇的帆被疾风吹得满满的, 以静止的图案描述了动态的时空. 一首古诗写道'微风燕子斜, 细雨鱼儿出', 聊聊几笔动感十足. 这诗和画用的手法颇有相同之处.

3 条评论:

狒狒 说...

Very beautiful. Not only the painting but also your words. Good job!

匿名 说...

I totally agree with you, Yo-Yo-Lin-lin :)
To me, the painting appears more meaningful with those word.

从冬到夏 说...

Beautiful paintings, meaningful words, and great comments. :)

Keep the good work!