星期五, 三月 02, 2007


春风已经苏醒, 何多苓 (96cm X 130cm, 1981) 中国美术馆.

"何多苓生于1948年, 四川成都人, 1982年毕业于四川美术学院绘画系油画专业研究生班. 现为成都画院一级画师."--新华书画网.
一幅令我心旌动摇的美丽图画, 只是不太理解标题的意义. 她该归为写实主义还是浪漫主义呢?

2 条评论:

匿名 说...

A pretty little girl :) I wish I was this young and lived a simple life too ... hehe...

Pacific+Atlantic 说...

The girl is certainly beautiful. But it's the feeling that strikes me when I see it. I cannot explain it very well because I don't really understand the title and thus the meaning of this painting.