星期五, 三月 23, 2007


春假到了. 是去尼斯湖探密还是去爱丁堡游览? 整天坐在办公室里人都木了, 一定要呼吸呼吸新鲜空气才能重整旗鼓继续工作 :)

4 条评论:

匿名 说...

explore and get some treasure back ba

Pacific+Atlantic 说...

There is no treasure in Lock Ness. It only has long neck Nessie, the prehistorical dinosaur, which looks like the green doll I brought to you.

匿名 说...

you can go to both places since you have a long spring break ..

Pacific+Atlantic 说...

One can go to Edinburgh at any time, so I'll try it later. It takes two and an half hours from Aberdeen to Edinburgh by train.