星期四, 三月 08, 2007


Spring, Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1563) Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid.

Summer, Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1573) Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Autumn, Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1573) Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Winter, Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1573) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien.

四百三十年前Arcimboldo的"超现实主义"作品. 严格来说超现实主义是二十世纪上半叶才出现的一个重要流派. 有意思的是, 这种前卫的画法在几百年以前就已出现, 到了二十世纪时才被Dali等人重新发掘.
在春夏秋冬四幅画里, 人物的构成有花朵, 蔬菜, 水果, 木板, 草席, 树叶和树根. 虽然怪异却有趣, 比立体主义的画可看性强多了.

3 条评论:

匿名 说...

Around the neck of Spring, I found the no-name wild flowers, of which I took a picture last time ...
very impressive paintings ...

狒狒 说...

Those seasonal-fruit-and-veggie-faced people look very
interesting. I don't care for the last winter face though. It's a little scary.

By the way, you are so productive on your "Art Learning Dairy" these days. A good way to go. But also write something of your life if possible;)

Pacific+Atlantic 说...

My life is simple recently. Sleeping, working eating, idling and boring...